Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I have been doing a lot of contemplating life lately. Last night I couldn't sleep very well and listening to overnight talk-back radio I heard a guy talking about depression. He said that most of the things we worried about are enlarged in our minds and make us depressed if we have this tendency.

It made me think of the things that I have been anxious about and realise that most of these things have either never happened or if they did, not near as bad as I had thought.

I thank God for his grace to me and the fact that He is always with me. And I thank Him because I have such a loving family, a husband, two beautiful sons and a beautiful daughter, a lovely son-in-law, a lovely daughter-in-law and 12 grandchildren.

Yesterday we had a trip to Brisbane for a medical appointment and I am so THANKFUL that we live on the Sunshine Coast, the traffic was horrible. It's still raining here, the grass is so green, I guess it will stop soon.

1 comment:

  1. We are thankfull for you too Nanny! I love your blog!! Keep it up!!:D:D:D
